Audio portal

Expert interviews conducted in the course of the kick-off meeting of the ''Sustainable land management'' research programme
[only in German]

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Interview with Prof. Dr. Ralf Seppelt
UFZ Leipzig

Besides the three main components the sustainability builds upon, sustainable land management comprises another important aspect: side-effects triggered by our regional behavior (e.g. in Europe) and can induce global changes...

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Interview with Prof. Dr. Klaus Müller
ZALF Münchenberg

We attempt to deal with methodological issues on a cross-sectoral level and try to stimulate information transfer. We bring together different activities within the research programme in terms of knowledge exchange and capacity building...

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Interview with Mr. Axel Welge
German Association on Towns and Cities

The German Association of Towns and Cities contributes to the Sustainable Land Management programme through its members. Research results are to be discussed with the Association and recommendations of possible implementations will be targeted...

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Interview with Prof. Dr. Rainer Kanielzyk
ILS Dortmund

What are the costs and benefits for communities and regions involved in large research programmes, such as the Sustailable Land Management? Research in Germany on a regional scale represents an innovative approach to obtain sustainable solutions for various issues...